- BiBi
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Black Rhinoceros
24" x 24"
Bibi lives at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita KS. In 2022 she gave
birth to a new baby, Klyde Jr. This was a great surprise to the zoo staff
who had not known she was pregnant. Klyde, the father, had died earlier
that year. When I met them in 2016, Bibi was forever after Klyde hoping
to get impregnated. Klyde seemed befuddled and uninterested. He often
had bleeding scars on his face from where Bibi poked him. Nonetheless,
at some point out of sight of all staff, copulation had to have happened.
This is Bibi’s second child.
Black rhinos are the most endangered. Their upper lip is prehensile
(hand-like) and they pluck leaves off trees to eat. Their sight is weak but
their hearing is exceptional.